Double Pun
Puns are simultaneously one of the greatest and worts things in the world. Once someone get’s started, it’s easy to become punstoppable.
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Stumble’d! And I love the last panel! It’s so cute :]
Augh , 2 minutes late for the first… T.T
Mwahahahahaha (Ah, man. I wish I had a hairless cat to pat while I laugh evilly!)
Omi the last panel…love. ;3; … <3
if she puts up with all that you must be really good at making peanutbutter sandwiches o.o
I believe you mean “pun-nut butter”!
I stumbled! What a wonderful strip to see on my birthday!
Happy Birthday!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! uber cuteness!!!!
I stumble’d both! I love these comics :D
Stumbled a few weeks ago, and I started at the beginning and read through all of them. I now come back every Monday and Thursday! :) I love your strip it always brightens my day. The last panel is pretty much adorable. It reminds me of everything great about every relationship I’ve ever been in! As weird of a compliment as this may be I love your wife haha!!
Stumble’d and Like’d, for puns and for OHMY CUTESTLASTPANELEVAR!
And yet every time I see these two, I get flashbacks of the guy going “Fat fat,” and giggle some more.
epic D’AWWWW at last panel lolz
I stumbled all three comics! =D
Very cute last panel, by the way
Stumbled! I love these comics! :D
last panel should be your prof pic
You’ve done it again Evan. Great job as always! :)
Janette you made him cry! And he didn’t deserve it… much!
I would say that she was getting a little PUNchy!
I am a loyal follower of your comic^^ I like the semi-true tales most :) they’re really great! Thumbed this one up, as usual.
I wish I could draw expressions like you do! It’s one of the many many things that make me love PJF. Stumbled both :)
OM This is soo cute… It been stumbled.
Thumbs upped AND tweeted…AGAIN! :D
You are such a wonderful artist and story teller. This is a very Pun-ny strip. I thoroughly enjoy visiting your site every day, watching the adventures of August and the gang, reading the Semi-true tale adventures as you add them. Keep up the good work, very awesome site.
That was Puntastic!
Stumbled both!
Great comic today! And congrats to your bro Eric for getting his shirt up on Shirt Woot! I’ll be buying one for sure.
Stuuummmmmbllledddd iiittttttttt.
These Comics make me giggle.
My friend you are a GENIOUS! this is awsm congrats!!!
Stumbled both. It’s so punlarious!
AWWW!!! You two are so PUNderful together!! The cuteness in this one is just too much… so much it might even be wallpaper worthy? Just saying.
Also I pundled – i mean, stumbled.
1. Stumbled
2. 3 and 4 are my favourites, but again the arms are lovely in this strip
Keep it up :)
Stumbled! This is so cute! Bravo =]
all these puns in the comments are not funny…puns are supposed to make one laugh…and for me……
no pun in ten did…
stumbled!!! <3 you guys are so terribly cute. :)
Stumbled ^^
Loving all the comics so far =] (gief a few more WoW ones if somehow you still play though =P)
I hope this doesn’t disqualify me, but puns make me want to kill babies. I said that once in front of my friend who makes puns ALLL the time and you know what he said…you’ve got to be KIDding me. Made me want to kill more babies.
^_^ Puntacular!
I’ve been reading this for a few months now(since january) and i really really love it. It puts a smile on my face almost every page. ^_^
hehe i had to send this to my friend that loves puns ^^ he thought it was hilarious and now he’s khooked on your comic as well…bwhahaha…
Also, i thumbed it up mein!
Stumbled! :]
Let´s get ready to STUUUUUUUMBLE!
So I did :)
Stum-pun-bled! Ooh pun! Ooh stumbled!
Really, that was puncalled-for
Thumbs away!
Task completed.
stumbled! :D
i PUNderstand her situation of being PUNnoyed :D
Wow. Pun-jama Forest is my favorite comic ever! :D
over reaction lvls off the charts still totally awsm thou
Stumbled, and been following the strip for a while now
Ha, I never noticed but theres a little smiley face above and to the right of the footer, nice
Romantic and Pun-ny…. and stumbled!
i love the crying face. and liked it for stumble
Stumbled Upon.
my favorite so far! :)
awww we can’t even hug right in the last panel, our heads are too big!!
but I LOVE this one!
Stumbled! Fantastic : D, can’t wait for the story line again, but the semi true tales get giggles!
You should make a rage comic for /r/fffuuu (http://www.reddit.com/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/). They love art like this. You’ll get a million hits. Promise.
Stumbled. *insert pun I’m too lazy to come up with here*
I thumb-upped it :)
The last scene was just too cute and sweet not to!
btw how long has there a smiley face at the bottom of the page?
I thumbed it up. Or should I say, PUN-ed up!
Yet again you’ve out pun yourself.
Thumbed up!
Stumbled and liked :D. Last panel is teh greatest look ever!!
More like a fully automatic machine pun, amirite?
Stumbled it :)
AWWWWW! This one is sooo CUTE!
Oh and I want a shirt with the last panel on it, maybe anniversary present? hint-hint
Stumbled and liked it XD
last panel seriously just made my day… semi-true you and your wife are so adorable…
stumbl’d. Amused by the whole bear thing
They should lock you in the Punitentiary