Bedtime Snacks
This semi-true tale was inspired by actual events (we found a chicken nug in our bed)!
What are some things you guys have found in unexpected places?
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Hahaha this one made me laugh,
I’ve acctually discovered my mobile phone in the fridge… Not a cheap one at that. Totally ruined it! :D
Haha, I didn’t know fridges could ruin cell phones. Lesson learned :D
I found my DS under a bed that I’ve long forgotten about once.
A girl I used to cheer with found a battery in her spanky pants.
Oh yeah! His next snack is going to be wayyyy better! (and no calories) cheers!
oh how cute is THAT???!!! ^^
I love her expression in panel four…it’s like she’s on the verge on being completely disgusted, and yet is secretly curious as well. ;)
Just about the weirdest place I’ve found something is after a night out, I found two of my four earrings pinned to the dress I wore…not quite sure why I couldn’t just put them in my purse with the others… XD
Coffee out the NOZE!!!
My sister has a stuffed penguin whose head comes unattached from the body sometimes, and one night she walked into my room holding the penguin’s head and asked if I had seen the body. She eventually found it beside her dresser, where she hadn’t been at all that day. O_O
An aunt came over for a visit and after I hugged her one of her earrings was missing. We searched almost the entire house for it and when we gave up and she was about to leave I walked past her and the earring fell off of me and onto the floor.
Oh look, it’s panel six: http://i944.photobucket.com/albums/ad281/andrewmcwatters/EvanFsjal.png
Yay, you’re a meme now! http://www.google.com/search?q=fsjal
D’awwwwww, that’s so cute! But what about those ucky crumbs left over? I HATE Crumblies in bed, they’re so annoying!! *Perhaps they ate the crumblies too :p)
I once found a cell phone that I had lost three years prior in the corner of my bedroom, jammed between my dresser and vanity. I could have sworn that I looked there a billion times too., I pretty much freaked when I found it. lol.
I also found a batch of kittens under my parents porch when I was younger. They were still alive and meowing! We never did find their mommy though. :(
By the way, I absolutely love your expression in panel three. It’s so Cute! (Almost Chibi-riffic!)
And and and also, I saw your guest comic of Jefbot!! I randomly found the strip the other day and when I saw your Chef Bot I was all like “Ohmi !” It really threw me off lol. Your style is so different than his but it worked out so nicely! :3 (The person who does eq-comics did one too <3)
I think people are interpreting that panel differently.
Which makes it that much better :D
I absolutely LOVE your new stuff! It’s great to see you grow as an artist!
Buuut, could you bring back those square boxes? :D
awww now u have to brush ure teeth again D:
I’ve found popcorn in my bra hours after leaving the theater. XB
This happens to me often.
Lol. Um…. yeah. That last bit, where she’s all excited too and lifting the covers. It seems…. unintentionally dirty to me. XD Sorry.
Yeah, reading it later I see how it could maaaybe come across, but this being a family friendly strip I think the intended meaning is obvious :D
That thought made me saaaaad…
…still, this is plain adorable.
True true. It’s still adorable . I ‘ll just think the end of that strip is what it was intended to be. Maybe you could change her words to something like “Maybe there’s M&Ms under there!! : D ” That would be more clear on what she’s thinking. XD
yeah, that’s not a bad idea..
Cuuuuuute!!! :) I once fell asleep with my door unlocked and when I woke up I was hugging a note that said “I loves you ~Secret Ninja Admirer P.S. You look so cute when you sleep ;) ” Thankfully it was my boyfriend. But I didn’t know that for the first hour of being awake…I still don’t know how I didn’t wake up…I normally just know when people come in to a room and I wake up easily. :P
So I am just curious…is it meant to be a married joke? I realize that it probably isn’t because of the general nature of the strip, but my wife and I thought it sounded like it could be a married couple kind of joke.
Why were you eating chicken nuggets in bed? >.<
5th panel: Best evanface EVER! :D
AGREEMENT!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!
Adopt me. :33
Maybe i’m a pervert, but i thought about something else then food…
I was at girl scout camp and we were all going to sleep. We pulled out our sleeping bags and heard a loud clank. The girl who had just thrown her bag looked super shocked. She looked into the bag and found a bottle of alcohol.
She was super shocked. But it became an inside joke in my troop for awhile after that. =]
I found a cool Mac cheat in a christian forum. control, alt, command, 8. Supah-cool.
One time, a long time ago, I found an intelligent discussion on the internet.
isn’t this supposed to be a family friendly comic?
Maybe I’m just the weirdo, but I never once thought anything perverted about the last panel till I read the comments >_>
Good for you, neither did I!
oh my , was that and innuendo? it seems like an obvious one, but you seriously don’t seem the type… what with the “family friendliness” and all…..
nope, none was intended or even thought of at all when I was making this. The joke to me was that the wife was totally innocent. Though I may need to re-word it so it doesn’t come across that way…
Maybe change it to: “I wonder if there’s anything else to eat under there!” Makes it a bit of a stretch to think anything naughty…though you really can’t stop some people from thinking it XD
I did not think “perverted” at all until I read the comments… Even now I really don’t see it…
Yeah I changed the line in frame 4, I didn’t think anything of it either but lots of people did so I figured it was easy enough to re-word and keep the joke :D
I found Toast inside my brother’s computer while i was cleaning the fan. :D
when i crashed into a stand of trees skiing, i found my legs behind my head. luckily i am flexible enough that i did not break anything.
lol Is this supposed to be perverted? :333