Cookies Vs Ninja
An art piece for you guys today! This was actually a custom art request by a reader. I liked it so much that I just decided to post it up for all to see :D
- Web comics. - mcarterbrown.com - [...] those are in newspapers)? My favorite is . Love it so much I even had the cartoonist make me…
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……. Yyyyyeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! \,,/_ Awesome on so many levels!
Nice idea whoever requested it, oh yeah and nice artwork too :p jokes…
Like the feeling it gives you when you look at it also I quite like the cookies’ hands.
All the ninja needs for a victory celebration is a cup of nice warm milk!!!
wow! this is a great piece. nice job!
Thanks a bunch Ian :D
Pure. ing. EPIC.
That. Is. Awesome.
Much icecream! :D
HI-YAH!!!!! HAHAHAHA…. Iove his face and how he cut’s the cookie in half. I guess you could call him the “cookie cutter” (bu-doom cha)
Osnap! We have a witty one!
That was a genuine knee-slapper, no joke xP
heh, cookie cutter…classic :D
Wow… that is amazing!
AWESOME!! I love it!
Woah! Epic-lookin’!
This would make a great wallpaper.
Can we get back to the storyline with the zombies and stuff?
Sweet Surprise! I was here just to check on Comments, and did not expect to see new stuff. cheers!
i just exploded.
Seriously through
Hey hey! Loving the cookie ninja. I’m just wondering about the jetpack bear t-shirt… Do you deliver to the UK? Don’t want to order something only to find I’ll never get it. Please say yes though, because I ever so want one.
Sure do! I’ll ship anywhere that has an address :)
Awesome, pre-order ahoy!
Dude! That is simply awesome. Who doesn’t like ninjas?!
Can you make this into a wallpaper? I may also consider ordering a print of this. This is too great!
it might be difficult making a proper wallpaper of this since it’s square, but I might do it anyway. As for print, I’d definitely go for that if I were you ;)
Any idea how long the printing will be? I can’t wait for mine to come!
Nevermind, just looked and saw that they’re already printed.
heh…….. Nice! I might add this to my Art Portal!
fantastic @_@!!
everyone should fear his big belly….if you’re edible and taste nice.
this needs to be a shirt i’d buy a million (: well maybe not that many cause I don’t have that much closet space.
you could donate them to poor children!
Pure awesomesauce! I really like the texture and colours you used, I can almost taste how it would be to be overrun by that many cookies (tho if I were the ninja, I’d try steering the masses towards my mouth to eat them alive ~_^).
ooooOOOOOooooooh… *noms* teh awesome iz so delish! wishing i weren’t so poor, i’d snag me a print. great piece!
i see a new wallpaper coming *hint hint wink wink*
These comics always brighten my day, even if that means that many cookies may lose their lives in the process… :-)
this is TOTALLY my wallpaper :D
Just realized, his sword is rising upwards, but the blade is on the bottom! That Ninja just epically swung his sword the wrong way!!!
Good thing his epic Rageface gave him the power to cut flat breads with the dulled side of the weapon!
Nonono, you see, he was pulling his blade up so he could do and downercut (opposite of uppercut)
OHHHHH I see you thought the shiny part was the dull. no the black part is the dull.
NOTE: Either of these could have been the mistakes.
NOTE: I transcript this one!
Dude you should make this a t-shirt!! That would be super awesome! :D
EPIC! I had a dream like this once. Except the cookies were Tofu.
then check this out:http://ninjavscookies.com/