Feet Like Boats
Let’s hear it for boat-feet!
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Let’s hear it for boat-feet!
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heh heh That’s terrible.
If the shoe doesn’t, throw a fit.
I see what you did thar!
For some reason I’m seeing this in the right column:
Get alternate endings, exclusive art, comic updates
and stuff delivered right to your inbox, wow! :D
[gravityform id=11 name=PJFNewsletter Signup title=false description=false]
I am, too.
yeah when I did the back up restore some stuff on the site broke and I haven’t gotten around to fixing it just yet :)
I’ve been getting a virus warning from your site for a while now…..
there was a bug a while back but everything should be all cleared up now. Sometimes it takes a bit for all the programs to get back on track. If you have any specific problems or if it continues to say that, please shoot me an email or something :D
hahah that’s cute = )
Is it normal that my antivirus program finds a trojan horse when I go on your page?
By the way, love the boat feet :)
No that’s not normal, send me whatever information your anti virus program is telling you and I’ll look into it :)
Hey, just an FYI, as soon as I clicked on my bookmark to come to your website, my antivirus popped up telling me that a trojan virus attempted to enter my computer from your website. Might want to get that checked out.
That’s gonna be BIG trouble, at least a boat-load!
Hey, I see wat you did thar!
I’m surprised that didn’t earn a slap.
Still getting
Infection Details
URL: http://pajamaforest.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver
Process: file://C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe
Infection: js:IFrame-DL [Trj]
When I go into the comments here…..
thanks for the follow up! I went ahead and just deleted that entire folder. Let me know if anything else pops up for you :D
Yay the smiling flowers are back!! Maybe she should *shoes* the flys away with them boats.
Hi long time fan, first time posting, lol
Also getting warnings from my anti virus:
– JS:IFrame-DL [Trj]
appeared 5 times (3 times when I came to the site and 2 more times in the comments section)
Still getting URL: http://pajamaforest.com/wp-includes/js/l…
Process: file://C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla Fi…
Infection: js:IFrame-DL [Trj]
guest strip! guest strip! guest strip!
has anyone else gotten an email their club subscription was canceled?
Yep, I *really* appreciate everybody who was a club house member but since I haven’t been updating things like I should I felt I shouldn’t take any money for it. So I canceled all the subscriptions so you good folks aren’t charged any more :) The clubhouse stuff is still available, it’s just free now!
yay free stuff!
is he dateing the brunette and married to the blonde im confused
This comic is about Evan (the dude who draws all of this). The guy with the brunette is August, a character of the series. It just so happens that Evan draws himself and August very similarly.
Do we have a time frame on a new comic. I realize there has been some issues you have been dealing with but I love this strip and want more!!!!
I was wondering, when is the next strip coming. I know there’s been problems and getting the site back up, but, I just love these little stories.
well last page gota go
I suppose i know why this hasn’t updated then……
Hey Evan, do you know when you will come back with your comic? Because I love your little stories and your artwork. So please please please come back!
Aaaaw it’s been forever…v.v
Where are you!?
I noticed a radical change in the format here. Interesting!
Awwww sorry i haven’t read this webcomic in a while but, WHERES THE AWESOME LAYOUT
Ouch! She oughta slap him with those shoes now!