Guess What
I thought they were good guesses…amirite?
I don’t really like it when she does that all that time though. If you want to tell me, just tell me, but if you want me to guess don’t get upset for not liking my guesses!
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I totally love it when guys are like that and dont get a thing us girls are saying. It is such fun to tease them mwahaah :)
Evan i didnt know you were a christian! WOOP! Go God! :) Sorry i get kinda hyper a lot… lol now im just rambling.
But yes AWESOME strip today! xx
oooh, I agree; Go God! I love discovering certain webcomic-ers being Christians (i think that makes sense?)
Heh, thanks Aimz :D
You see, you’re trying to apply logic to a situation involving a female of the species, that never works.
yeah…live and learn :D
i dont get it
that’s ok, maybe next time!
i feel your pain, Evan. i also enjoy your guesses as to “what”! =P
thanks, it’s good to hear someone else understands ;)
haha! I love the look in his/your eyes! so innocent…
thanks danineteen :D
He’s not innocent, it’s like the cute little lion eyes before they destroy the gazelle! Evan LOVES messing with me!!! Drives me crazy, I can’t ever get a good story out!
It amazes me how we grow up to be just like our fathers!
Sorry! It’s just you the humor in this strip. Kinda reminds me of “Make me a Sammich!” Or maybe I’ve finally lost it…
oh hehe, well observed.
I’ve been following your comics and I love it! Especially this one! :D
P.S: Go, God!
Thanks Mariana!
Everyone knows the answer to a girl’s “Guess what!?!?” is “What!?” Unless they then follow up with “Guess!” then you’re free to guess. :)
Evan, your face in the second to last panel makes my month. I LOVE IT! You’re just so durn proud of yerself! XD
haha, I like to discourage games like that, if she wants to tell me something, I’d rather her just tell me ;)
And panel four was actually a last minute addition. Glad you appreciated it, I WAS pretty proud of how I came up with that on the spot :D
1. Were you right?! ?~?
2. I knew there was a reason I liked you before I had even gone through all of your site! Christians unite!! ^-^
3.You remind me of Ed in this one. :D Did you get an Ice Cream Sammie for being right?
Don’t remember what she was going to tell me, I was probably too pleased with my guesses to care what she said :D I may have had an ice cream sammie after this…
If I had a wife, I’m sure that would happen to me all that time too!
You should get one, from personal experience, I can tell you they give you a ton of material for your strip :D
WOW, Thanks Evan I feel super necessary to your happiness and self-fulfillment!
I’ve been trying, but I can’t seem to get past the ol’ second date, if even that!
I bet it was the second belly button.
her siamese twin had the second belly button.
NO SECOND BELLY BUTTON! Gross, but if you have one that’s okay, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Then what was it? OH you can turn water into tang!
My guess would have been that she saw the infamous Chupa-libre and captured him.
I think you mean Chupacabra, but a wrestling Chupa would be pretty rad too.
whoa…what have i been missing out on?!
btw awesome strip
cant get enough of your comics!
*hi 5 fives danine and Tara and Marian* :)
*returns hi5* :]
*also returns Aimz’s hi 5, and also gives Mariana and Evan one too!* :D
hi fives all around! also thanks for all the comments TaraBear, I read ’em all :D
IM LATES NOOOOOOOO also the other even nice pic and name >.< great comic
P.S Evan if she ever says wat if just say wat if (Put watever u would say here)
did he get it? ;)
The facial Expressions you draw on here are…epic…seriously…they make my day
kewl, my guesses are more insane
These comics are very lulz. Great work, Evan.
P.S. Religion is boring and illogical.
thanks for the lulz Evil Joe!
I’d agree *most* religion is boring and illogical. ;)
*I is a female btw* I have a female friend who will do this for HOURS and keep asking you to get getting more and more frustrated as you get it wrong. Finally after she asked me to guess one day I told her that it was annoyingly silly and she should just tell me what she wants to say and save us both time and frustration. She thinks I’m a party pooper :/
Ohai Ev,
I see everyone has been congratulating you on announcing your christianity.
I think It’s a wonderful thing.
I’m an Aussie christian.
I love how you church announces that it’s a non denominational church.
I remember finding this comic ages ago when you only had like five strips up. I just remembered about it and read through the whole thing the other day- love your comics, man- especially this one. I just love your face in every panel. x3
(P.S. I really want to buy a super awesome drawing but I don’t have that kinda moneys on me. :< )
Awesome stuffs, totally stumbled her and voted for it.
I think I stumbled?
This one has to be one of may favourite non-grandpa strips! I love the facial expressions you do, they brighten up my day before i head off to the ol’ hospital!
Also, i think i submitted this strip to stumbleupon… I’m very new to it.
for those of you new to Stumble Upon it might be easier to follow the su.pr links I post up :D LIKE THIS ONE
Stumbled! :)
love the comic… read em all!
On facebook too… HUrry up with Monday’s one already! :P
NOOOOO!!! Sad day, I’ve read them all…. now what am I going to do?
I thumbs-upped this strip on stumbleupon :)
I gave you a thumbs up on stumble :D
I thumbed it up! Going to do the rest of your strips =D
i liked the comic send me free stuff from the JAMMIE SHOP PLEASE! Ed’s face totally makes my week, btw. I LOVE PAJAMA FOREST. Even if i dont win, can i get the purple freeze pops?
She didn’t deny it! :D
Thumbed up this amazing webcomic!!!
I like the way you drew your teeth in panel 3
this is hilarios i love your komik its great and your wife is hot
Hahaha. Aaaawkward.
Lovee the colors….
Stumbled, and now I wanna know what she was originally going to say…
Awww, the comments above are congratulating you being a Christian! I’m a Muslim though :D I feel a lil’ bit left out -_-
This was posted on my birthday. XDD