How To Pun
If you’ve ever wondered how to pun like a pro, this is for you. Go Puns!
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If you’ve ever wondered how to pun like a pro, this is for you. Go Puns!
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oh this is hilarious!
love thissss.
Stumbled upon this before knowing it. Totally awesome!!!! By the way, Stumbled Upon is also a pun, since not only is it an action, it is a company name!!!
stumbled uPUN!
sorry for mass of comments but,i dont think i can enter contest cause
1. i dont have a SU account and i dun wanna make one
2. i dont hink my parents would enjoy me have a shirt sent to me with a bear with a jetpack on it from a stranger
I stumbled onto this and found it great! Thumbs up!
I stumbled but did not fall!
*sigh* I suppose I’ll make an SU account just so now I can claim in two different places that I like what you do.
Hah! I was actually talking to a friend about puns today. The lowest form of humor argument came up. We decided that it’s wrong to subject high class humor lovers to such cruel and unusual PUNishment.
It has been stumbled…but I already has I a jetpack bear shirt. It’s already my favorite. And it already makes every prepubescent boy smile….
HAHAHAHA! ahhhhhhhhhhh……. how like my dad’s sense of humor. :D the best part is, after all these years, we know when he’s about to make a joke, because he unconsciously makes this funny little throat-clearing noise. so before he can say the joke, we cry, “JOKE!” and he’s disappointed that we saw it coming. :D
Cool one :P
PS: Stumbled upon this :D StumbleUpun!
I totally stumbled this!
I want mah Bear Shirt!
Also, I entered ten puns into a pun contest with the hopes that one would win,,, but no pun in ten did!!!!
Totally stumbled this, love you pj :D
Stumbled!!! That’s how I found the comic in the first place, some moons ago. Love it :D
Also: A pun is only the lowest form of comedy if you didn’t think of it first.
Love your arms in the fourth panel :D
Stumbled! Love pyjama forest, found it through stumble in the first place. It brightens up my mondays and thursdays!
Pretty sure I stumbled correctly.
thumbs up :)
I think i have done this “Stumble” correctly.
Stumbled uPUN & thumbs up =)
I’ve heard “I’ve only just bepun” before… in an episode of the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Pun Times With Punsy McKale… other than that, great puns and I simply love the last PUNel…
I hope I got the stumble right!
I stumbleded :D
Also, I LOVE the face in the last frame haha.
PUNbled uPUN!
I stumbled on this PUN-tastic strip :D
I sorta disagree with the idea that puns are a low form of comedy. It may be a low laughter causing type of joke, but quality puns do require a certain amount of intelligence to think up. It feels like this should be a buildup to a pun, but it’s too early for me to come up with something so I’ll just say I stumbled this for teh lootz. Third, fifth, and sixth panels rock.
Stumbeled as requested!
Stumbled! :D
And when he finally came to his nose was broken and all his teeth were gone…
This…is what it’s like at dinner time at my house… XD This strip is amazing. Hats off to you, sir!
I didn’t get it, I think I missed the PUNch line.
Yup, I’ve thumbs up’d it <3
I’mma stumblin’ this comic! BLAAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
But seriously, this is a great comic! Thanks for all the… PUNters ( pointers… PUNters… get it? =D )
I stumbled. and I groaned. good job, sir. :D
Hollar for stumble upon liking. :D :D :D I like T-Shirts?! Yea.
Stumbled it baby! I love PF
STUMBLED! I love this comic.
Wow… how did you manage to meet my family? Because this sounds exactly like something they would do. Wait!! Does this mean I’m low class in the humor social scale?!? D= No, I think I’ll go with Lazin’s opinion and remember that a quality pun takes intellect and class to come up with. (=
Anyway, as always, keep up the PUN-tastic work!! The backgrounds are looking better and better, by the way. And your arms in the fourth panel and face in the last panel are very… PUNny!!
*P.S. What happens if I’ve already stumbled all the strips? I love your stuff, so I pretty much thumb them right after I read the day’s strip. I even thumbed the store too, for all the cool merch, and the homepage, just because.
Stumbled! I pretty much do it automatically anyways x)
This one is PUNderful. The best part of puns is the way people groan. It’s even better when you unintentionally make them.
Also, totally stumble thumbs up.
Reminds me of myself on a sugar rush. Shtumbled!
Add “pun” anywhere in your sentence = instant *pun*ny!
funny strip again :P
aaand stumbled ;)
This may well be my favorite comic so far.
Also, stumbled.
Love the expression in the last panel :P
I would have stumble thumbs-up’d it anyway… but t-shirts make it even better!
Loved this strip.
:D stumbled and thumbs up
Stumbled, thumbs upped AND tweeted :) :)
Love the face at the end XP
XDD The wife’s face in that second to last panel! Classic.
I liked both! So that gets me two points, right?
Stumbled! Haha, and I love the arm actions :3
On a first note: Cool! Hi other Elyse!
Second note: I used to have a boyfriend who was the king of puns. I’m sure he’ll see this today and be incredibly excited.
Finally: Stumble Upun… ha. *groan*
I Liked it! I love puns to much for my own good…
Stumbled! XD, as always I love your comic!
stumbled, and its awesome
Yay for Stumble.
That’s how I found you in the first place.
So Stumbled.
Also your face in the last panel <3
and the arm movements in the whole strip are awesome
This sums up one half of my life. The other half, sleep.
And yes, the groan is necessary to achieve maximum…pun.
Stumbled! I love his face in the last punnel.
AMAZING and I stumbled. this was quite PUNNY and all i want to say is…
you have outdone, more like outPUN, yourself on this comic.
Just thumbsed this up on SU! StumbleUpon was how I found you in the first place and you ROCK!
I sumbled it! :D
I mean, stumbled. :)
Stumbled! XD
Puns are by far the best.
yo! comment!
ps Your comic is so awesome and has really infuenced and inspired me!
Stumbled to find it and now happy :)
please let me randomly win.
This has been stumbled by the AMAZING BRAD!
I love this one! Definitely stumbled it!
Stumpled Upon :) LOOOOOOving it!
I both stumbled and liked it :D
Stumbled it! This sounds exactly like one of my old friends. :D:D:D
Thumbs up on Stumbleu-pun! Love It!
I can say that I dont really the like pun hands second panel pun. its random and doest make sense. I LOVE the rest though
I stumbled this! I love the comic~
Woops forgot my email! I put it in now~
Stumbled Upon! I wish i could give you two PUNs up!
…or something.
hahahaha, very punny :) I was laughing the whole way through – puns are my favorite!
I thumbs-upped it on SU! I wish Ed would be MY brother :)
So much win. Stumbled for sure.
stumbled… or stumPUNed! =P
i did stumble and it made my day :)
I totally stumbles the pun out of this! Long time reader, first time commenter, Keep up the good work
i stumbled it!
o also loled to the extreme at this PUNtiful funny comic! XD
stumbled! :D
Stumbled + Liked + Comment and done.
Btw. Last panel is the most AWESOME panel EVER. I’v been sitting here trying to make his face… I bit my lip a few times. :(
stumbled and liked.
oh. my. freaking. goobers. THAT IS THE BEST LAST PANEL I HAVE EVER SEEN.
I likeded you!
I Stumbled it!
I actually stumbled upon this last night and FELL IN LOVE.
Great job!
Stumbled!! My friend showed me this yesterday. I fell in love…Your wife is HILARIOUS. Also following you on formspring and facebook! :)
I stumble upon this a while ago and just fell in love its and awsome strip
I guess it’s… super happy PUN time…
Is it the lowest form of comedy? I love puns. Shakespeare used puns all the time. James Joyce, a man I thoroughly hate, wrote novels comprised entirely of puns and references. Then there’s Norm Macdonald.
Okay maybe I’m not making the greatest case here.
Who ever hates puns hates life.
Puns are the lowest form of Wit. But Wit is the highest form of humor.
And there really are some pungent jokes in this series.. I love it ^^
The pun is actually the highest form of humor. All others depend upon an element of cruelty for their effect. The pratfall, the pie in the face, the unpleasant surprise. Think of any joke you know. Would it be funny if it were happening to you right now?
Only puns do not need that cruelty to others for humor. They only need an agile mind and a familiarity with the language.
Three brothers from Chicago wanted to get into the cattle-raising business. The had some money, so they went to Texas and bought the best ranch they could find. They stocked it with the finest cattle and had the best equipment money could buy. But they got stuck for a name. They wanted something cool like The Ponderosa or Southfork but couldn’t agree on anything.
Finally one of them said, Let’s have dad pick out something for us. He’s always good at this stuff. The others agree so the emailed dad for a name.
The reply said, Call it the Prism Ranch. This sounded good, but they were mystified at the name, so they wrote back, Why the Prism Ranch?
Dad answered, Because, that’s where the Son’s Raise Meat (Say it aloud)
Specialists argue that personal loans aid a lot of people to live their own way, because they are able to feel free to buy needed stuff. Furthermore, a lot of banks give bank loan for young and old people.
Last panel’s face = WIN.