I Love Doing This
Muahahaha >:D
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Muahahaha >:D
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You’re a very lucky man to have not been killed by your wife. That surely would have saused my girlfriend to take my manhood away.
I knew it! Very clever come back. Hahahaha! :D
Lucky she didn’t kick you in the “no mans-land.” Pretty nice thinkin on your feet though. Love the facial expressions btw. Keep up the awesome work and I may reward you with a radish…why radish, you may ask? I…kinda ran outta cookies like 2 weeks ago. And I have too many radishes.
Ohhh, you devious little man, you! Haha, I love reading Pajama Forest :) It always makes me smile!
Haha. If anyone tried that on me, I would probably keep repeating myself for a while *shrugs*. Other than that, I always love the facial expressions. I love Pajama Forest and I can never wait for it to be updated! =] Kudos + a brownie to you!
Such an evil thing to do! But it’s FUN!
How deliciously evil looking!!! :D
2nd box almost creeped me out xD I loved it! I predict a comeback from her soon :)
I predict a comeback from her after he does this or similar things about two or three more times. It’s what happened with the fat jokes…
Love the comics, love the semi-true stories. ^^ I’m wondering when next we hear from August and Ed.
As always the expression on the characters is adorable, I love it! Your lucky you have a wife who understands you and doesn’t smack you upside the head!
You look kinda homicidal in the second panel, but I love it. =D
so how are those monochromatic backgrounds working for you :)
I dig your background! Also, I did this in your honor: http://www.pod-comic.com/?p=995
Haha! This one is AWESOME!
That Fennec fox is awesome! 8D
Thats all I wanted to say. ._.’
Ha! Master of the turn-around! Well done.
lol we use to do this at work all the time.
you just LOVE annoying her dont you? xD
I don’t ge-
Oh wait now I do. Heh
Janette, you should respond with a quizzical look on your face, and act like nothing happend.
Also, Great job on the background Evan! Loving it, soft and blends well. ACE! :D
love the semi-true tales i really do!!buuuuuutt…….. could you please go back to the storyline pretty please :3
also love the background in this one!
i like the smiley faces on the flowers minor detail but very awsome ditto to wat exxobtye said ……… WHAT?
Oh my god, I just found this strip from Stumble. This site is operating on a level of 35,000 cute-ons. That’s three times above Hello Kitty and twice as much as a confused puppy. At 40,000 it becomes unstable and the molecular bonds begin to break down to their lesser components: Quirky’s.
just discovered this webcomic last night and couldn’t stop reading until I’d gone through the whole thing. simply awesome!!!!!!! :D keep up the amazingness.
Whats so fun?
Getting your wife to repeat herself?
My fiance does this ALL THE TIME. So frustrating haha
hahahaha! “curses…wait” *evilness* = love it!
i am just catchin up on my PJF and i know this comment is laaate but i have been wanting to comment alot of them and haven’t cuz i felt weird about it idk but i have to so who cares xP
so yeah i love this one so much i threw out my comment posting insecurities