Marriage Pro Tip
A proven method, it works every time!*
*It doesn’t really work very well but you might as well get comfortable amirite?
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Sounds like a plan! Now all I need to do is get married…
I laughed hilariously. This is brilliant! Loving those backgrounds, too!
Haha yeah. The only thing better is to still offer to take out the trash, but have it be known you won’t put your pants on to do it. That way, you still get out of it AND get no blame.
I love how you have a nondescript brown briefcase in your hand. What is this, the 1930’s? :D
It’s full of fruit roll-ups and slim-jims :D
although i prefer regular beef jerky.
i like my jerky rectangular!
Perfectly normal male behaviour. cheers!
My husband does this already! :( Now he’s just using this comic to justify it!
You need to change the first bubble in this: http://pajamaforest.com/2009/11/02/flame-thrower-thinggie/
I learned more in this one comic than any of my past relationships. It’s all so… simple
In the perfect world, we would not even wear pants. Then again, if we didn’t this wouldn’t work….such a dillema.
Wait… you wait till you’re home before dropping trou?
wow look at those eyebrows fly! :)
hold on one second… i went back and checked some of the lola comics that weren’t changed. for the hot air balloon part, there are still a few where august askes lola if they met before or how she knows his name. i don’t know, you probably know this and are going to fix them, but i wanted to make sure. i’ll stop rambling now.
fixed the one I forgot to upload, but everything should be right now. August never actually told Lola his name, so it makes sense :)
good game o-o
So my husband has been reading your comic for a really long time, and I just went through and got caught up….My husband has been doing exactly THIS (face and all) since we got married two and a half years ago!! I had no idea this was some plot against us wives!! /glare
Hey! Great comic! Just wanted to let you know that your link to the “It’s A Date” comic is actually the “Not Crazy” link.
The last panel…. most amazing thing ever. Background plz?
My husband does this! XD