No Internet
This particular story sort of started like this, but it didn’t take long for her to start having WoW withdraw. “You have no idea how badly I want to play WoW” was one one my favorite quotes from this weekend. Conclusion to the “no internet” thing next Friday maybe and some more WoWing around the Friday after that…
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Haha! I love this one! Great strip!!!
thanks Paul! been trying some new stuff out, among which is this fancy new “reply” feature in the comments section :D
You have no internet?!
Yeah we had no internet, we’ve got it now but for a few days there it was touch-and-go :
The expressions in this page are awesome! I especially enjoy the third panel!
hah thanks, was hoping it wasn’t too much ;)
Talk and bond while internetting…that’s how my marriage has lasted for nearly 11 years so far. When the internet does go off, we have enough TV shows saved up to keep us busy and not too many downtimes to fill with boring chatter :)
heya Cidtalk! thanks for the encouragement, I’m learning that marriage is rough sometimes but totally worth it (tons of comic material!). We don’t have any sort of cable or antennae to watch tv so it was super bad for us…
digging your art too by the way. nice site :D
2nd panel shes sooo cute …. 3rd panel shes scaring the hell out of me lol … good luck with the “bonding” … lol
heh heh, that was kinda what I was getting at…kinda scary to me too :D
Yikes, no internet? Sounds rough. I resort to reading heavily during such times.
it was pretty rough…had to hunt down panera bread and starbucks to get my fix…wouldn’t recommend starbucks though, it’s internet isn’t free and quite the hassle to get on =
If there is a Caribou coffee or a Dunn Brothers anywhere nearby… They have free net…
i can relate to the wow withdrawal. Ever since i moved here, i’ve been wanting to play Team Fortress 2 more than i ever had before.
never played that one but it looked pretty awesome…is that the one that comes with portal too?
I do believe I wet myself
I’m scared. Hug me!
heh, scary I know…
Oh, and TF2 does come with portal if you buy the orange box. But I recommend having a 512 MB screen card or it’ll keep crashing.
P.S. The orange box also includes Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1 and Half Life 2 Episode 2
awesome! but does it work on a mac?
I dunno. But you can use your laptop. Just make sure you buy a cordless mouse because laptop mice wont do you justice
P.S. Lol @ Laptop MICE.
Panel 3 made my day.
your comment made mine :D I think I’m going to keep pushing the expressions in the future.
Well, the fact that you take the time to reply to all these comments further makes my day, so I’m winning at having a better day. A contest to which I made up all the rules, so I was probably going to win anyways.
glad Icould help you win the day, let’s hear it for teamwork!
I can relate to this so much! Way to tap in a conversation that every man is bound to have!
Glad I’m not the only one!
Bonding!? Who bonds now a days by talking!?
You ‘bond’ my healing someone while they run around and kill stuff for you, duh!
Gosh, your wife is scary, bonding @.@
well we play on the same account so we cant play at the same time, but when she’s on something tough she calls me over to help her out ;)
panel three is aaaaawwesoooome. very Wonderland-ish.
thankyou! that’s a very high compliment in my book :D
Dont’ milk the expession’s man lolI loved the expresion on panel three made my day as well >.<
yeah, not too crazy, but when the situation calls for it imma go nuts!
what a nut…
well sometimes you feel like a nut…
Your wife is exactly like my boyfriend.
another masterpiece!
wow thanks!
w00t, love the strip, ane more thing, whatever happned to august’s girlfriend?
Thanks! oo I’ve got some plans in mind for August’s love interest.
wow, man you really out do yourself! all those comment replies! on behalf of all of those people i thank you for that! Keep up the good work with the replies and your awesome webcomic!
Talk and bond – oh no! That’s scary….
That would be awful. It’s alright, there is always the TV in your head…
Does stumble help get more people to your site?
sure does :D
I stumbled! :]
why does your wife have an epic moustache
hahaha! her smile in the third panel totally looks like somin outta nightmare before xmas >.<
Do I love these things they are so funny