Old News Dog
Yeah we got a kitty cat! It truly is absurd how little and stupid cute he is :D He’s a little terror though, chewin cables, climbing legs, nomin’ hands… I <3 him! Named him Mooch. The dog has been pretty jealous though, it’s great.
- Pajama Forest Comics | - [...] Pajama Forest Comics Posted on September 13, 2010 by Pleated Jeans Today’s comics from Pajama Forest: [...]
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YES!!!!! bahahahahaha!!! in yo FACE, pup!
my cat just types gibberish… either that or she’s a CIA agent and it’s in code… quite possible…
haha thats funny my dogs get jelouse of eachother. its fun though good luck with mooch
That cat looks like he’s going to grow up to be trouble, take it from someone who lived in a home with lots of cats.
Nonsense, look how cute he is! And the meow mix cat is still there to give a good example :D
Cuteness all too often hides evilness… :P
Awesome. He’s adorable. I love kitties!
really? i couldn’t tell with that avatar
Uh.. My Avatar is of a Fennec Fox. :\
i’ll probably fail zoology =[
Lol. I’m majoring in Zoology. :P
awwww poor doggy! its ok, I still love you! and i love the expression of rapture of your face!
Yeah, cute kitten. But dogs are awesome! Throw the poor thing a bone.
badoom PSHHH!
I thought you were gonna make a “lolcat” joke in the second panel… like “Earlier today he was on the computer….. ficksin muh harddwive!”
Yay! let’s hope he doesn’t grow up to be a fatso like mine! 20 LBS of laziness!
I just about died of adoreableness. I LOVE HIM ALREADY!
Kitteh is adorable
You’ve just gone to a new level of cuteness!
wow you have a smart cat and a dumb dog…my garfield sense is tingling
Aww, datsh a kewt kittie youz got dere.
poor doggie XP haha the kitty is sooo kawaiiii <3
AW, I know cute kittehs, and that is a CUTE kitteh :D
CATS RULE!!! yes!!!
Poor doggie
If that thing was any more cute, my head would ‘splode.
Awww….Cat’s are cute but I’m more of a doggy person. And that face you make in panel two is way funny! XD
Nice kitty, but I do wish you showed something good that you guys do with the dog.
I mean I got two puppies myself and they’re cute little fellas all right.
I have read all your stuff. Very nice love it ALL.
I have read all your stuff (today). Very nice love it ALL.
Be nice to the puppy! D:
Also, when did it change colors? It used to be gray! :O
Ultimate cuteness + a soft spot for dogs and cats = head exploding awesomeness!!!
lolcat caption: Did Ah du that?
my cat just sits on the keyboard. plops herself right down and won’t move until i pay attention to her. I LOVE HER SOOOO MUCH!!
Aw, what a cute kitteh Mooch is!! :)
Your wife comics are always so cute! :) I love your expressions in Panel Two!
Hahaha! I haven’t been on here in a while so I did some backtracking to see what I missed. I read this and laughed so hard people were looking at me like i’m crazy. I can totally see this conversation playing out. Poor Lola… Next time I come down down i;m taking her with me!
OM PLEASE I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your cat is exactly like mine :D