Rainy Days
A buddy of mine surprised me earlier this week with an amazing original sound track he created and it inspired me to create an animated short. I’ve been working on it this week , I’m really excited about it and I’ll definitely show you guys and gals when I’m finished with it!
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Yeah, it sucks.
I bawww’d a little.
Noooo I Just Started Reading From The Beginning And Im At The End Already :[ Love This Comic Though, Made me Laugh At Every Strip :] Keep Up The Awesome Work. Gotta Wait For An Update Nowww.
Aww Draijan, thanks for reading I hope you stick around for a while :)
O I Deff Will Be Reading This As Long As I Possibly Can, Ive Read Many Web Comics And Only Two Have Really Caught My Attention. PajamaForest And Misfile.
Very excited for the animated short!
Not so excited about the fact that I just became a Pirate Captain (ok that part is cool) but I don’t have access to stuff for the Robot Henchmen. Isn’t that included in the Pirate Captain status?
Sorry about that, it’s a little bug in the subscription service, that I’ve been trying to fix. Pirate captains do totally get access to everything Robot Henchmen do, and I’ve already fixed it for you :D let me know if you have aaannnnyyyy problems with it and thanks for joining!
oooooooh, it looks sweeeeet!!! can’t wait!
Wow! This really shows how much your comic counterparts stand out, that whole silhouette recognition of characters is iconic. I love this, and can’t wait for the short. :D
I love your style! You make even rainy days seem like they might be friendly and not so bad as we imagine! I can’t wait to see your film!
Can’t wait. I wish you luck in your animating adventure.
Wow, I can’t wait to see your animation!
I was in college for a while studying animation and I absolutely fell in love with it! I plan on going back to school someday, but for now my obligations are my children and well… where I’m living the closest animation school is around 8 hours away and I just cant live that far away from my kids and husband >.<
Enugh about me though, I just LOVE that your going to do this! :3
Are you going to use Adobe flash? Or just use the animation capabilities of Photoshop? Maybe youre totally awesome and have After Effects?! (Totally Awesome anyways but still :p)
Can't wait to see!! XD
Pajama Forest? AMINATED?!!! Whoa there, I think I might have just broken my face from smiling too hard!
aww man u make rainy days seem so gloomy and filled with despair. i always am super happy wen it rains and wish it would rain for ever ! also i sleep like a baby wen it rains :D
Your always suprising us with new stuff! Is that Lola in one of the windows?
Oh no! I stumbled upon the WoW wife comics, was curious enough to read the entire comic from start to finish and now there’s no more! *impatiently waits for more*
I want to know when and where I can get the childrens book you illistrated. I haven’t heard anything about it in a very long time.
Though I like where you are going with the short story, It just seems a step up from the comics which BTW I LOVE TOO!
/can’t think of anything to say because the awesome is too great