She Says She Wants Compliments But Nooo
I particularly like the title of this one :D Is it just my wife or do other ladies like to go fishing for compliments?
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Haha oh my x) This reminds me of myself somewhat. Allways trying to be nice to my GF ( or Fiancé if we’re using the correct terms ) but she allways undestands me in a totally different way =(
Thanks for the laugh Evan! :) Keep it up!
welcome to the club…
Note to self: I should totally start that club…
I always say that. “With a P-H!”
*takes notes*
haha, hopefully on what not to do eh Acey?
And after she comforted you when your yogurt upset you… tsk tsk.
weeeelll, these past two semi-true tales were not necessarily things that *have* happened as much as they were, things that *could have* happened :D If I actually said this to my wife she’d probably go sulk in a corner or something :\
you know me so well!
oh great
no more crazy vampire like massacre?
Or atleast a bat to the noggin?
i hate that saying. it sounds just like fat with an ‘f’ and i always get the wrong idea.
hehee, compliment-fishing from my fiancee happens fairly regularly. Perhaps at heart we all have low self-esteem. XD
You were *this* close to getting hit with a baseball bat again…
Awwww…poor Evan. His heart was in the right place.
I find that adding “… and you’re NOT fat” at the end of a random sentence during a disagreement goes a long way in promoting domestic harmony.
haha, Michel’s protip #37 “I find that adding “… and you’re NOT fat” at the end of a random sentence during a disagreement goes a long way in promoting domestic harmony.”
Well, hello again! Good to be back!
You know, you are a little bit like a little boy: You say anything what’s in your mind, and don’t think about consequence. Or am I mistake?
maybe a little… ;)
Now how does she go about looking for compliments? I’m pretty sure us women do, but some not as often as others, and in their own manner o.o
Though funny, I will agree with Jan that you’re taking it TOO far(seriously, lay it off)
:D !! I’m liking this one, some new actions happening. and, I see that in the first panel your character broke out of panel, Kinda like breaking the 4th wall….ish. I’m LIKING THIS! :D I’d love to see a play on strip with the characters aware that they are within a comic strip. Great job, Evan! :D
lol, made my night :]
i never knew anyone could just come by dieing so easily
I have Amazing powers
Totally PHAT, with a P-H course.
this should be added into the rulebook of the game of life or something:
“AND REMEMBER! do NOT use ‘hip’ phrases that sound like insults towards women.
otherwise your little plastic car must be deposited into a nearby ditch and you and your plastic wife must be put into marriage counseling.”
I’ve come to realize that nothing a man says will ever be correct unless it’s –
A: Supporting the statement of a woman.
B: Supporting the self esteem of a woman.
C: The Equinox.
or D: A direct quote of a woman.
D has to be -DIRECT- though. Change a word, and your statement becomes false.
Upon further contemplation of my own list, and my own gender… This list may be wrong.
I’ll have a woman revise it later >.>…
-Has been broken-
Hold on, I just realized the irony…He was just dead…not too many pages ago.
That was august who was ‘dead’ (sort of) this is Evan!, who looks A LOT like augest
Ohhh…ok. Now I feel inferior. .-. lol
That makes sense though. I mean after all, this is a ‘semi-true tale’. :] I get it now.
Don’t feel bad, I think everybody has mistaken evan for august at least once.
*raises hand guiltily*
It’s TRUE.
*sends this to my husband* LOL