Shes A Monster
This strip was very much inspired by a strip by Scott Ramsoomair, if you know his work you’ll know which strip (I’d link to it but it’s not very family friendly).
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FIRTS PWND LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL hehehe todays comic is awsome made my day >.<
thanks Eli :D
Oh my goodness, you turned her into a Monster! Run away!!
Hehe. I’m sure in a little while it will all settle down.
I have stumbled this one and your extra credit one.
hehe thanks for the stumbles :D
stumbled the extras and this one too
She’s not a monster, this happens to everyone when they play. She’s just infected.
Well, this one is more “Semi” than it is “True” but I thought it was a fun one to do anyway :D
Then there’s still time! You have to save her from becoming hardcore!
Wait, if she’s infected doesn’t that mean she’s a zombie?!
its true thats just what happens. stumbled
haha, i thought she was about to say something about Lola
hah, didn’t even think about that.
Oh * >.<
thanks kitteh!
I’m diggin’ the facial expressions. Great stuff!
P.S. Stumbled
Thank David :D
I don’t think I’ve ever said “lol” except in reference. Stumbld
heh, shame on you if you’ve ever said it out loud and not ironically. Shame Shame Shame.
she’s going insane. i’ve only seen that one time. at war
heh, insane indeed. She’s totally addicted, but “she can stop any time she wants.”
saw this comin, how’d ya get pwned
heh, you’re too smart for your own good ;) She’s just saying things she learned is all.
heh, totally.
Uhg. I hate it when people do that. I’m not all that thrilled when people do it online… English, why have you abandoned us?
my luvs engrich.
She’s expanding her vocab so if you guys ever come across one of us gamers stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire she can translate…
“So this pot-hole was all LOL * n00b, and my tire was all *! HAX!.”
heh, Honey… Translate!
The things you can do to a person…
at least she stays out of my hair when i work ;)
Eeee, I’m so excited for a whole week of semi-true tales. I can hardly contain myself. Stumbled this and of course I stumbled Trickster Genie a week ago. EXACTLY what I wanted!
Glad you’re excited! I am too :D
Yay! I like your Semi-True tales! Lookin’ forward to next week!
thanks danineteen D:
I seem to remember you saying something about exaggerating facial expressions a little bit. You have definitely been rocking that aspect out, especially in this one. Quadruply in panel four. :D
I’d also like to mention that the lined paper background is awesome. I’ll admit in the preview that I thought that it might have been a temporary thing. For once, I am glad to be wrong.
And I am totally stoked for a week of Semi-True tales!! Any WoW ones on the schedule?
Yeah I’ve been working on the expressions and what not, thanks for the kind words and noticing :D One WoW strip planned, don’t want to over do those ;)
Hehehe ^^
HA-HA! you know, there is another type of addiction called “AAD”. it stands for Addiction Attention Disorder. It happens when he/she thinks that they’re part of/in the/becomes the addiction. I’m not saying your wife has it, but im just saying….
Never heard of that one, but she is pretty nuts. *shrug*
stumbled this one, the last one and both extras. havent been able to get on the site all this week been bringing up blank pages.
Thanks Holly! Yeah, I’ve been having some issues with the site, but hopefully it’s all working like it should now.
Soooooooooo. You read VG Cats, I see.
That’s what I was thinking.
Yeah I get my influences from many different places but now that you point it out, I think I was thinking a bit too much on one particular strip when I was making this one. A little too close for my comfort, I’ll be more careful in the future, thanks guys :D
I find it really cool that you respond to almost every comment. It gives it an even more personal touch, feeling like we’ve “talked” to the author.
P.S. Stumbled
It’s good to hear my readers appreciate my responding to comments. Though I don’t always respond to them all, I certainly read every single one :D
Oh man I love this one. It’s my favorite so far :D
I love this one, and absoluteley L0VE your webcomic. keep up the good work dude, you’re AWESOME. greets from Romania