Stupid Stupid Husband
A ginormous strip today! Why? Well, I like to try new things, and the previous strip I did was so much fun I wanted to try another long form one; also, it’s a bit of consolation.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for being awesome, all the emails I’ve been getting, the fan art, the kind words :D
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Well, I’m the first to comment! Yea comment! I’m so glad you are a little nicer to me than this!!
Keep it up, these are WAY funny!!
Making his comic character call his wife fat? If I was you I’d give him a real whack on his real noggin :P
I bet she did.
Don’t worry Janette: he deserved it :)
First is the worst, second is the best! WooHOO!
Wow… wow. You should always say fun. Always.
I love that first panel on the last row. It’s that kind of look you make after you make a choice and before you remember what consequences are.
haha nice, love “freaked out ready for death” brain.
You.. you just don’t learn.
You’re just like me.
But a boy.
Just realized, you could meet August now.
Wait he’s undead and you’re dead.
Let me tell you how i came upon this one.
I was sleeping, woke up, started talking to my girlfriend because i can’t fall back asleep.
She tells me about the new PJF! I go to my browser on my Blackberry.
Reading and just smiling with laughter. going to re read this when I’m more alive :D but still got me going, ROFL!!
Great work on this one Evan! always a treat! :D (by the way, I’m going to tweet something to you later on, be sure to check it out!)
-Comment from Blackberry Mobile Device.
First of all, the brain. I love it THAT way! ^^ I’d love if you’d keep it that way! :D
And now my comment: HAHAHAHAHA xD This made my day! =D Very very very funny!
Keep it up!
Well, this one disturbs me as a mom!! Bring Evan back QUICK!!! I know it’s a comic but well disturbing all the same….just sayin.
Wait a minute. If you are dead, how did you make this comic. Oh, I get it. She gave you some of Ed’s concoction.
P.S. Thumbs up’d
I know why it’s super long – because you anticipated today being my 21st golden birthday! :O BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVAH!!
Though I am saddened by having to survive on less comics a week, I am glad that they shall be longer and that you will be able to expand your drawing beautification thingys like you wanted to do. :)
Love your artwork, like always!
Have a great week!!
I find this great.
*Le gasp* She doesn’t look fat at all! O:
I do enjoy the spousal abuse c:<
Bad idea… Although i would do the same thing… but she TaraBear isn’t fat.
I can’t stop laughing at this.
Oh, geez! xD
Nice job! :]
Read through all the comics today because of Allanscomic XD but nevertheless this is a great comic and I find it hilarious.
-The Single Canadian Reader?
I’m half Canadian, if that counts! Lol
And Evan…*tsktsk* ;) I’m loving it! You’re lucky your wife has a good sense of humor, haha.
Does Evan’s brain qualify as a character by itself?
Stupid stupid husband indeed lol
poor Evan. :D
did he leran his lesson yet?
yay! more brainish – less spermish ;) nice!
… and soooo stumbled :)
omg i just noticed your brain changed
now you can see edd and august.
So sorry for the lack of comments guys, I’m in the sticks (somewhere in Alabama) on vacation and have very limited internet access :
If you guys got snow in Texas, they must have gotten snow in Alabama!
Hey! I love your comics and everything and your art is amazing but I think that you’re confusing quality with length. this could have been a lot shorter and the punchline should have been delivered before you could figure it out by yourself logically. just some constructive criticism!
She didn’t kill him just because he said she’s fat, she di it because he really DID pinch her to the bone. And because of those last 2 things which I’m confused because it’s like they both happened at the same time. OR he never learns.
P.S. the brain didn’t look like it did last comic. GASP! She hit it so hard it changed the shape of his brain!
Aww, she smacked you Soo hard Mr. Brain became lumpy
wow. so very awesome.
Those brain drawings are awesome.
You know, this is the one of those comics that are just so great and short that they make me want to make my own, but i can’t! Well, i just dont have a “site”.
this is so great, seriously. you dont know how much it cheers me up XD
oh-my-gosh..I have been cracking up at work ALLLL day…I just keep thinking about ” Fff..Aaa..Tttuh” hahahahah. Thanks so much dude, you’re awesome, and wifey is an awesome sport for not really knocking your head off…hehehehehehehe =D
I love the “F” face. This totally makes me happy.
lol read it at work.. had to show all of my customers. LOVE IT
:))) nice. love it much :*