WoW: Destroyer of Relationships
Yup, the wife and I got back into World of Warcraft, we even got her a separate account so we can play together now. We’ve been getting into an absurd amount of fights since we began playing too. It’s an odd phenomenon how “fun” can turn into “not fun” when playing with loved ones.
If you guys want to save Azeroth with us we’re Sugafoot and Sugaface (alliance) or our alts, Moohere and Moothere (Horde) on Whisperwind.
Yes we’re nerds, but who cares! :D
If you’re new to these parts, the WoW series starts here!
- Pajama Forest « The Shushu Review - [...] there’s the other take where Evan makes himself and his wife part of the comic from their World of…
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Love it! Even the flower is smiling, but probably not so much after it was herb’d.
question: what’s a buff?
A buff is a spell cast on other players or yourself to boost your stats. They traditionally cost a lot of mana so you need to regen a bit before doing any other spellcasting.
Basically, he cast spells only on himself that take a while before he can do anything about it. That’s the punch line.
I’m not one to normally explain strips but I realize this one isn’t as apparent unless you’re familiar with WoW or other similar games. As they said, buffs are spells you cast on yourself for various advantages they give you. Normally you’ll only have one maybe two buffs on you, the joke here was that the absurdity of me spending all my time and energy on just buffs…so much that I’m totally useless :D
Maybe this one was too much WoW…
Nonsense, you can never have too much wow.
actually somehow i already know what this comics aboot… i dont play worldcraft though (my friend plays it everyday maybe thats how >.>) PANEL 5! lol flower reminds of plants vs zombies somehow…
tell the wife I likes the spiky shoes!!!!!
haha murloc panel is the best!
*giggle* It’s funny because it’s true. My husband and I often had conversations like this one when we played.
the wow-ones was the best!
Ha Ha!! I have no idea what any of that means, but it’s HIL-arious!!
Massively amused! I always did like the WOW stories from home!
next time you find yourself OOM hurl puns at things, shouldn’t agro too much
Dumb Murlocs… I really don’t like them. >(
Playing WoW with your significant other can be fun, you just have to figure out a good system. My boyfriend and I did – a hunter (dps) and druid (heals). Once we figured out how to play our characters and got some decent abilities/spells (leveled up), we made an awesome team, with him pulling aggro and I healing. I hope the same goes for you two, because it was a ton of fun!! Although, to be honest, the occasional fighting did occur. But it’s bound to happen sometimes.
Anyway, I’ll wrap this rant up by saying how adorable the flower is!!! And even those blasted murlocs are cute. Keep up the good work, as always! =D
P.S. On a totally unrelated note: I would like to make a request to have the iPhone app games (Super Awesome Kite Flyer Extreme {To the Max} and Man Vs. Bacon) also be made into Droid/Android apps. I would be willing to help research how to “convert” the iPhone programming and whatnot into Droid/Android versions.
(For those of you who don’t know, the Droid/Android is the non-Apple version of the iPhone)
If you’d willing to research it I’d love to hear what you come up with :D
When do you guys usually play? I spend most of my time on Blood Furnace, but I can mix it up a little!
I LOVE IT!!!! So know I know where you are when you’re not helping me, heh-heh, I could read this over and over and laugh every time! And way to go with the spiky shoes!!
Hahahaha!! I don’t have to know all about WoW to get the jist of the comics :)
Love it ^^ I’m assuming you’ve gone priest considering the amount of buffs you’re portraying? =P
it’s so romantic! i loves your WoW addiction!
I like it!
But one of my pet peeves is copy and pasting stuff. You copied panel four and pasted it in five (as a silhouette). I always notice little things like that. Not sure why. Maybe it ’cause I look at the same comic 13 times a day expecting to see a new comic.
He didn’t copy and past it, he used the same image to show you that they were happening at the same time. As in, they were the same because he wanted them to be, not because he was lazy or whatever reason that I cannot fathom for not liking copying and pasting.
Haha my friend totally got me sucked into WoW. I’m in love with it. I totally appreciate this comic series.
I see all the changes! The text boxes, “buffs!” and the background of panel 5 (the ones on the right of the background used to be cabins)!
Don’t forget about the totally rad shading and battle damage on the wife (as well as some other more subtle things) :D
ooo didnt see those.
Gee, we never had conversations like this…
Uhh I think I see me a little mistake. Wouldn’t it be “Couldn’t YOU help me a little?” instead of “Couldn’t help me a little?”
It may not be grammatically correct, but people talk like that. It’s not an error, it’s just how people talk.
‘zactly peacockdawson ;)
I sympathize with you and your wife getting in fights, my wife and I get along swimmingly and always have thus far in our five year marriage but whenever we start playing WoW or RO or DOTA whatever it is, if it’s competitive it becomes go to the throat kind of mentality. But outside of those worlds, just a couple of happy people!
i use to play WoW and i understand the jokes… they were punderful
evan you got a custom art buy option and I like the preview from the cookie slaughter, but do have more previews? I would like to see what I am up too :D?
Love it!! My fiance and I play WoW, so yeah I’ve been in that situation before. But once you two figure out a system that works you will be awesome together. Oh and I love the murlocs, and the spiky boots.
I love this, and yes, my husband and I play WoW and have had this issue!
I love this series! My boyfriend and I are just like this… I started playing WoW to “understand him better” and all was lost from there. You and your wife are way funnier than Lola!
I love the semi-true stories and WoW strips! yay for evan!!
Hehehe. Oh yeah, me and my boyfriend always start fighting when we play together. But it’s just sooooo much fun. :)
And, are you a herbalist by any chance? If you are – there’s your problem. Herbalists (also me) are craaaazy! :D
Mrgl Mrgl Mrgl Mrgl Mrgl Mrgl Mrgl Mrgl Mrgl
i love it it totally remides me of me and my girl friend when we play. keep em comming
haha the murlocs! especially the one biting the axe i love the expression!
Aww! Moohere and Moothere! :3
You don’t know how true the title of this comic actually is sometimes. /sigh