WoW Life
Man am I on a roll with the titles of these strips or what?! :D “Who cares?” I know, you guys probably don’t, but I’m pretty proud of them recently…
Check out these other awesome comics:
Man am I on a roll with the titles of these strips or what?! :D “Who cares?” I know, you guys probably don’t, but I’m pretty proud of them recently…
Check out these other awesome comics:
I love your WoW related strips they always make me laugh and I can relate to the quiting wow withdrawl symptoms lol priceless expression in the last panel!
She’s taking it a lot better than the kid from the greatest freakout ever on youtube
Here’s the video P.Kelly is talking about in case anyone hasn’t seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc
That is VERY scary! Evan would have had me committed if I acted like that- and rightly so. That kids needs sedatives or religion or both!
I’m so worried about this kid, I want to meet him and help him out
I’m so sorry for his brother- he needs to watch his back- and the poor dog!
This kid honestly has the early warning signs for being a murderer.
There are so many of this kid its so funny you have got to admit though.
Thats the reason people say WoW damages your brain.
Also, did you level up in that last panel?
That video is, how do I put it? A guy goin Ape-shit?
Haha, WoW Related strips rocks! She might be using you! ;) She’s being all nice and cuddly, but deep inside she wants you to cancel the canceled subscription ^_^ Know what I mean?
Keep it up Evan! :)
He’s saying you’re being nice and cooking for him so he re-activates it.
*Whistles* =D
nah, I was more going for she’s completing real life quests for imaginary exp ;)
Jonsters is unintentionally demonstrating one of Evan’s, “Adventures in Missing the Point”
I thought she poisoned your food and the EXP came from killing you ._.
your comics are too cool for words D:
…except those ones.
also, i doth enjoy the style you draw- it’s pretty much heaps as awesome!
quick! someone give her a Scroll of Resurrection! or we’re all doomed (to no new wow comix :( )
So I started playing WoW again after reading your wonderful strips and my boyfriend is super happy. Please don’t stop them!
That last frame is the money!
+3500 EXP! I’m going to start shouting that when I accomplish things to make things awkward for people nearby -nod-
If you do something right and yell “LEVEL UP!” it has a similar effect. :D
I will! Thank you. Advice from Strangers is always fantastic :D
Hey, what else is the internet good for besides getting good ideas from strangers? :P
Watching people use good ideas they got from strangers on the net.
This man understands!
this convo is lol-in
It’s not weird that I’ve done that once or twice too, is it? :]
lol, you did the right thing canceling the subscription, WoW is a horrible addiction for all involved =P
My boyfriend wishes I was addicted to WoW. XD I would be if I was actually any good at it. I just die all the time. :/ But please don’t stop the WoW strips they make my day. :]
I was really really bad as a mage, maybe you just need to be a warrior- it’s a little easier.
Ima nerd and it up and tell ya, I played an end game warrior and as a warrior you hit 4x as many buttons to DPS as mages, all they hit is arcane missles and arcane barrage
Easiest is Hunter, Warlock, and Paladin. Pets make it alot easier to level when you’re not the one taking the damage, and Paladins are just OP :D
I just started playing again as a rogue. I’m doing A LOT better now, Mostly since I have my boyfriend coaching me. XD
Awesome strip as usual. I like the titles, very creative. My wife has the addiction to Experience points, so I think this may be what’s actually happening in her head too. I’ve been following your work for quite a while just haven’t commented until now, guess I need to more. As always though, this is a great strip, you’ve got a really cool talent and it’s been fun following your characters.
haha, gotta love that exp!
yay <3 thank you, evan!
yeah it had to be done
Bahahahah!!! Awesome! :D Loved it!
+5000 EXP to comic strips! and +10 000 EXP to quality time for the both of you! :P
lol i should try that sometime
wow 3500 exp? that must have been some good food.
I really want to try WoW, but my mac won’t let it load…
…anyway, yay for WoW!
(I got to play once at a friend’s house. I played at least ’til I was lvl. 10. After that, it’s sort of a blur.)
That is actually my real name as well.
The two people I’m replying about are me. I wish there was a way to remove your own comments.
haha, go Evan!
omg, yur comics r getting better and better
i lurrrrrrrve them!
This has got to be the cutest thing I have ever seen! =D
HA! this strip made my day!
LOL, Janette you should try being a Rogue. I’ve only been one for a few days (got bored with my DK), and I’m already lvl 11. Evan, if need be I will send my extra subscription card I got for Christmas for Janette. It’s not fair to go without when you’re addicted. Just try taking my Pepsi away from me. LOL
YEAH! Attach your email and then I’ll email you back our address or whatever you need! That would be so totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I can go around with you and help you level as a thanks if you want!
that was exciting :DDDD
wow me likies this one!!
Does this mean no more WoW strips?? I will be very sad if it does, but your comics are so awesome, I suppose I’ll be able to live.