WoW Wife 2
Seriously, my wife is sorta crazed for WoW now. She likes to harass me when I’m playing, till I log off and let her play. Pretty much every day when I come home from work she’s glued to the computer killing murlocs and mangy wolves…ah well. At least now she’s not bugging me to cancel it ;)
As a great big “Thank you” to everyone who has been stumbling the strips, a triple sized one! :D
*P.S. She gave up on her mage (died too much) and now she has warrior, so if you see “Sugarface” on Whisperwind help her out will you? She’s really horrible. (I’m Oha.)
- 8 Estágios do vício da mulher no WoW! » By Lorie » Artigo » WoW Girl - [...] que é verdade! Via @joywow e Pajama Forest, veja os outros da série ‘WoW Wife’: WoW Wife 2; Wow…
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More awesome expressions, dude!
I too wonder what that smell is.
Did’ja ever notice that when your cooking food smell REALLY good a room away it’s usually burned? Why is that I wonder?
THANKS! though I thought that last one may have been pushing it a liitle bit…but whatever :D
Pushing it beyond the breaking point is what makes it funny!
LMO, nice man. Best part was when you said “She’s really horrible,” at in the notes. She really doesn’t read your comic does she? :P
Anyway, I really your WoW comics! I wish i coulda gotten my girlfriend into WoW.. or maybe i don’t wish that. We already don’t have enough time in the day for each other… You know what now that I think about it… It’s probably for the best that I stopped playing as well. SCREW WoW!
Yeah…I don’t hardly have enough time for it as it is, I don’t know if I played at all this past week. It’s probably best that you didn’t get your girl to play, only reason I got back in was because a bunch of my family and friends are into it and they sucked me back in =
Honestly though she is horrible (her words!), and yes she does read the comments. She’ll probably be in here later today with her $0.02
oh she comments here? HELLO EVANS WIFE! :]
Great comic as usual!
The best thing in the world was when I finally convinced my wife to play WoW and she got hooked too :) I ended up buying a bunch of new parts for my system and building one for her just so we could play at the same time. Geek couples rule!
Thanks Barny!
I gave my wife my old WoW machine and I got myself a slick new laptop :D My wife isn’t totally geeky yet but she’s got some good attributes none the less ;)
Again, with the expressions. It looks a little like you’re channeling Ed in the last frame :P
My husband and I played WoW for a very long time together (game launch – Ulduar patch in WoTLK). It was a fun mutual past time at first, and then… DOOM! Seriously though, we had a lot of fun playing until it became all we did. 18 hours of raiding = not fun.
Heh, I hope “again with the expressions” is a good thing…I’ll take it as a compliment, so thanks Hilary :D
I’ve played off an on pretty much since it came out, once it got to end game raiding I always seemed to lose interest too. PvP was always my thing, more strategy and fast action was involved, and a lot less waiting for everyone to get back from afk…
That was indeed a good reference. I love the expressions.
I did notice that you suddenly grow arms in the last panel. This is obviously because arms are needed for hugging though.
yeah…I like to think of it as a stylistic thing, not drawing arms unless they’re doing something…but honestly I hate drawing arms/hands.
LMAO the expression on ur face and ur wifes ah just reminds me of my wow withdrawl
heh thanks Eli! I tried many different expressions till I though I got just the right one to convey the addictivness that is WoW.
ok i love this comic and everything … just one question … what is she saying in those tiny little words ?? … lol
hah, you can’t see it? I guess it’ll have to stay a mystery ;)
For the record!
I’ve only been playing twice when he’s come home! Not everyday, and no one starts out very good- I think. “Horrible” is an exaggeration!!
Thank you all for hearing me out.
You are pretty bad…but I love you anyway.
No worries, you will get better in time, though I can’t say I really approve of the choice of alliance (horde from daggerspine), you *should* get better over time.
Then again, you are alliance so….. (zing).
Also, great comic evan, you guys looked great in your wedding shots awhile back.
Yeah, my heart is really with the horde, most of my main toons are there; but a bunch of family and friends are alliance, so I figured “why not?” Thanks for the kind words too :)
Remember that whole thing about my cousin….the ork slayer? I have no room to judge him anymore, for now I…………..am hooked on WOW. *sigh* What is the world coming to? :D
What is your loverly wife saying in the fifth panel? I squinted to hard to read it and now I have a monster headache. :D
oo sorry about the headache Jean = but congrats about getting hooked, you should totally play on our server :D
I told you she would get addicted to that crazy Warcraft mind killing game! You two should listen to your all wise Mother-in-law and nip it nip it in the bud! Seriously though anything can take over your life if you let it even good or seme good well stuff kills time. Do good stuff then reward yourself with fun stuff or the lack of doing stuff will bury you in stuff undone then you will want to stuff your spouse!
thank you O-Wise-Mother-in-Law.
Ah Evan! You have created a monster! or a level 10 warrior…
heh, level 14 monster now.
just luverly but… shouldn’t she be the one drooling? i mean, she is playing ally :p
HA! ziiing!
I was going to ask what races you guys were, but then I just looked on the armory. I’m a nerd *sobs*
kewl, knew this was comnig
Lol. So she found a new love, eh? Well – at least it’s not internet porn
btw evan, repercussions*
Clicky. i love the clicky