WoW Wife 3
This’ll likely the last WoW related one for a while). I love my wife though, she give me so much good material :D If you guys liked this short side arc, be sure you toss a thumbs up on Stumble Upon!
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Your wife is a pretty cool lady!
Thanks! I think so too :D
I think your wife is a pretty cool lady too!! I think your comics are FANTASTIC!! I loved August floating on the Kite!!! BEAUTIFUL!!
Thanks mama :)
You know, your a pretty cool lady yourself!
Seems to me, that if she started dancing before she died, whatever killed her would’ve stopped so they could join her.
lol, that works in PvP sometimes, but Murlocs and Defias Bandits don’t usually respond favorably to dancing =
dangit. my stupid email address was entered wrong.
heh it’s ok, thanks for the laughs though ;)
Optimism FTW!
you know it!
Ha-ha-ha-ha ha. Your wife and I share the same characteristic. We are both really bad a WOW. But not the optimism part. I’m just all “What the? I DIED? SCREW THIS GAME!” Then I calm down somewhat and try again. :D What a vicious vicious cycle.
Heh Jean…she gets pretty frazzled too. She gets me to kill stuff for her all the time.
I’ve stayed dead before for that very reason
heh, it’s all glowie when you’re dead too :D
And the sky all vortexy!
So Blizzard claims yet another victim! Took me many years to beat my Diablo 2 addiction, and I could still relapse at any moment. I hope you know now that Pandora’s Box has been opened their is no turning back! But you are lucky tho — to have a wife that shares your interest in WoW. It’s a beautiful thing!!!
lol, I just got done playing Diablo II again a few weeks ago! Awesome game, I can’t wait till Diablo III comes out :D
If it ever comes out…
“When it’s ready.”
Gah, my roommate is just the same, he dies all the time. At least he still plays though, he doesn’t get terribly discouraged. He does show signs of sever alt-itis tho…
I’ve alt-itis for quite some time…it’s a horrible disease that stunts progression…
Jeeze, I tried WoW for a bit..
Soloing is fail. D:
hop on Whisperwind with us :D We’ve already recruited one reader. If you like I can send you a scroll of resurrection for free 10 days ;)
I’m level 18 now thank you! Almost 19! Moving on up!
Good job but don’t you have work to do honey?
NO! Nether of you was on yesterday and it was lame!
maaan, my wife was on pretty much all day. I’ve been busy with the site though so I haven’t had time to get on lately.
AHHH! what’s with that picture! How do I change it?? I’m not a News Guy!
Sorry about that, it was set to give people who don’t have an avatar a random one.
Okay this one is amazing because the spirit healer is dancing too. That gave me the biggest smile of the day. ^_^
Thanks Dejah! I’m so glad I could make you smile :D
should i play WoW, my comuper is …
Do it, we’re on Whisperwind, alliance (I know…sorry), just turn the settings down problem solved ;)
I’m no wow player (more of a sci-fi-guy) so enlighten me, are you really able to wonder around after you die?
yep! you just can’t generally interact with other folks until you get to where you died
Indeed, you’re required to in fact. Once you die, you run back to your corpse in spirit form. Needless to say, this becomes incredibly redundant over time.
im lates >..<
it is indeed peaceful and fun to goof around with other dead people.
You should start a weekly comic about your wife where you just make fun o… er, I mean, tell more semi-true tales!
I like that the angel thing joins in on the ‘nothing can hurt you when you’re dead’ dance.
I gave you a thumbs up on stumble :D
Thumbed up this awesome webcomic!!!
These are great comics.
They blend all of the perfect ingredients for a comic strip:
Good funny stuff
Good artwork
Most * on the internet is lacking at least one of these.
I really do love the art though.
Huzzah! Thumbs up for the win of this awesome site!
Sigh. I started playing WoW when my husband did… and now he’s quit and I’m all by my lonesome… raiding without him. Boo.
I still tell myself he’ll come crawling back one day.
Gave ya a thumbs up ^^
Stumbled and good things she’s an ally in this strip or else the Graveyard keeper would gank her for being a Horde (Happened to me plenty of times)=P
Hah! Gotta love getting people into WoW. I got all four of my friends into the game and it hasn’t released them yet. /insert evil cackle here
My wife and I have been playing on Whisperwind since we got the game a few months after launch… however I never had to convince her to play, she was on board from the beginning ;)
:O Even the spirit healer join in with the dance!
*shakes booty*
Lol! Can I just say thatthis side story-arc has made me want to start playing WoW! Im a total LOTR junkie, and have never given in to the siren song of RPG’s. Awesome awesome comics!!
See…you need to do what my husband and I did and get 2 accounts so you can quest together in bed on the lap-tops. :) A tank and a healer/mage can level up pretty quick together.
of course she keeps dying, SHE’S IN WESTFALL!
that is the nasty fail sauce of azeroth. worst zone ever!
My husband tricked me into playing WOW and just about the same thing happened!!
Too bad you can’t use the /dance emote while you’re dead….uh oh, just outed myself as a wow wife. /hide