Fly to the Moon (Part 2)
Part two of four in this series, hope you guys enjoy :) If you missed it check out part one (Cotton Candy Fields).
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*sniffle* so beautiful man…
looks good, like the new background art :)
….. :D ….pretty colors. Yo. Word up< failed attempt to be gangster
I think dollardude is a pretty gangster name personally :)
Haha yah. My last name is dollar and Im a boy. So there.
Wow, that is wonderful!
soooooo love it! C: <3
adorable, beautiful! RAD!
Oh wow, how do you do that? You use dark colors, but come up with such a bright image! It’s amazing. I am still in love with your work lol. Keep it up, I look forward to next weeks post!
Now leave me alone while I adore this one for a while lol.
thanks mikki! it’s definitely inspired by some truly great artists though :)
Quest “Awesome Comic is Awesome” completed!
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lol that looks like a real text box and rewards for wen u finish a quest on mmo’s, made me chuckle :D
I ripped it from a WoW quest I finished yesterday. XD
hehe,no level up from that much experience?
I suppose 500xp is not a lot. Let’s pretend you were 300xp away from level! :D
how outstanding, i love the lil rhyme u made for it :D great job! :D
nice shineh eyes. *u*
So I spent most of tonight reading through the archives…
This is incredibly amusing and I love how it’s drawn. Thank you for giving me something to do–and for making me feel better about life in general.
This and the other piece remind me of Owl City songs. His songs and your comics just blend in together like peanut butter n jelly n I find it awesome I dunno why. *clap clap c/ap*
I can definitely see how owl city would come to mind, I’ll take that as a compliment :D
I love it so much!
“the cow jumped over the moo…..” They should’ve put Ed instead. =D
Evan- i just stumbled upon one of your comics last night and now im hooked! i’ve read every single one of them and have spammed my friends facebook walls with URL’s to some. great jobb :)
Hooray for ashleybee! Welcome to the family and thanks for spreading the word :D
So, I just discovered your web site and I spent all day reading every single one because they are definitley super amazing. This one itself is particularly beautiful.
it looks like its been painted :o
or done in art academy XD (ive played with it once; my friend’s :D)