Thanksgiving Day Family Portrait
Here is a recent commission piece I did and I like how it turned out. It’s a family portrait for one really cool reader and her equally cool family. I like this one so much because she really gave me a good idea of what her family was like, sort of introducing me to each one and sending me a bunch of pictures so I could really capture a little something about each one of them in cartoon form.
Anywho, hope you guys are having a super fine Thanksgiving day (or for international readers, Thursday)!
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same face.
they are siblings after all… just sayin’.
Different mouth shape
Absolutely adorable!
DUUUUUUUUUDE. that is INCREDIBLE. I love the more subtle variations from person to person (such as their smiles).
I LOVE IT!! That is sooo awesome!! lol Can I ask for a comission? I want one done of my family toooo!! *pouts*
lol Your artwork is so amazing!! I love how you can so tell everyone is related, but they all have their own personalities shimmering brightly through. Your use of Body language in your work is just fantastic!!!
*Continues on a super fan rant about how amazing your art is* XD
You have four girls?
oh you poor poor **, you must be drowning in estrogen. :)
Cute picture. Cute comic in general.
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Be well and enjoy.
So, like, do you have to pay for a commission?
‘cuz if not, I have an idea. :)
Heh, I wish I could do them for free, they’re a lot of fun to do! But alas they take quite a considerable amount of time to create and I have expenses (my wife) ;)
However, I do take get good ideas submitted rather often, and from time to time I’ll run with one of them :D
This is really awesome. :) I’ve love to do something like this in the future! How much does it cost, if you don’t mind my asking? :)
I’ll have a section with a bunch of options and pricing for custom art things when the shop is opened back up, I’ll be sure and announce it. This past Thanskgiving holiday has put a damper on my productivity!
You mean the game Civilization is hampering your productivity!
quick question WHY IS EVERYONE BLONDE AND THE PARENTS HAVE BLACK HAIR scientests must be freaking out right now
good point there, sir. I second that.
The one in the red top is a friend of mine,
and I’d just like to say – you did an AMAZING job!!
especially the dad – I really had to laugh at how accurate that was!!
That’s pretty cool! I’m glad I got the likeness close enough to warrant a lol :D
I know them aswell and you really did do an AWESOME job;
even the dog is perfect!
eeeeeeeee thats me!!! and my family!! my sista put it on a canvas and gave it 2 us 4 christmas!!! thank you sooo much evan diaz!!!!! the likeness is incredible, and our puppy is soo cute!!
Oh cool! Make sure you guys send me pictures :D
Daw I love it! I know the family (The red topped one most) and it is wonderful. Esspecially their dog :)
I know these people :D